The dark-lit lounges of cabarets have long been spaces of socio-politcal misbehaviour. In the realm of cabaret inhibitions dissolve. We can express our playfulness, sensuality, wit, hopes, and resilience - on our own terms. I am drawn to the abundance of possibilities cabarets present to challenge dominant ideas about gender and sexuality, and about lowbrow vs. highbrow art. Through this curiousity, the cabaret personas of Nite Mare (burlesque) and Cavallo della Notte (drag king) were born.
My journey as a cabaret artist began in Vancouver, BC in 2011. I was a member of Screaming Chicken Theatrical Society from 2011-2017, with whom we won "Most Comedic" and "Best Large Group" in the 26th annual Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekender (aka The Tournament of Tease aka the Superbowl of Burlesque) in Las Vegas, NV. I continue to perform cabaret wherever the wind blows me - sometimes dancing with live snakes, sometimes performing alongside professional wrestlers, and sometimes as a facilitator and teaching artist in classrooms and studios. and
I am a co-founder and producing member of The Lost Girls Burlesque (est. 2013), with whom I produced monthly shows at Vancouver's famous Fox Cabaret, and toured throughout Western Canada.
Aside from performing at the Burlesque Hall of Fame Weekender, 'Nite Mare' has also performed both solo and group acts at the Vancouver International Burlesque Festival and Calgary International Burlesque Festival for multiple years.